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Deadline extension notice!Call for Papers!

─ Measurement Invariance in Quantitative Psychology ─

Measurement invariance is a key assumption to enable comparison of individuals from different groups (e.g., gender and ethnicity). In reality, this assumption may not always hold. For example, students receiving different curricula may apply different strategies to solve an question; respondents may interpret rating scale items or category labels differently; respondents may show different response styles; statements may have different utilities for different groups of respondents; raters may exhibit different degrees of severity; latent constructs may change over time. Approaches to the detection and modeling of measurement noninvariance have been widely developed, such as multi-group analysis, latent class models, mixture models, detection of differential item (facet, statement) functioning, among others. 


We would like to invite your submissions to this special issue to share your recent research findings on methodological issues in measurement invariance in quantitative psychology. Validity and reliability studies of psychological measuring instruments will also be considered in this special issue. Manuscripts should be written in English. The review process will follow the standard procedures of Chinese Journal of Psychology, but will be managed by Guest Editor Dr. Wen-Chung Wang and Dr. Ching-Lin Shih. Each submitted manuscript will undergo a double-blind review process involving at least two reviewers.



  • Important dates

Deadline for manuscript submission: 7 March 2018 (first come first served)

Expected publication date: late 2018


  • Guest Editor

Wen-Chung Wang

Department of Psychology

Education University of Hong Kong  

Ching-Lin Shih

Center for Teacher Education and Institute of Education

National Sun Yat-sen University

How to submit?

​1.    Please submit your manuscript via the online submission system. Choose the article
       type of “Special issue on Measurement Invariance in Quantitative Psychology”.

2.    Further information about submission guidelines is available on our website (link).​


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