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Call for Papers

─ Occupational Health Psychology─

Deadline:   2017.11.30  

Publication date:   2018.06.30

     Work-life quality is becoming an increasingly important issue nowadays.  Individuals’ mental health in workplace may not only affect employees’ performance, but also the relationship with their family. If people work in bad psychological state, it may cause poor effectiveness in the organization, and in the end, seriously damage the competitiveness of the nation.  Therefore, researchers start to pay close attention to occupational health psychology.

     Occupation health psychology is a knowledge system that combines multiple important psychological fields, such as industrial and organizational psychology, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, etc. The research topics of this domain include work-family balance, work stress, job burnout, employee assistance programs, and so on. 

     In order to provide further understanding of occupation health psychology and try to meet the needs of organizations and society. Chinese Journal of Psychology calls for papers in the form of special issues for researchers who keep high attention on the occupational health psychology to submit research articles that related to this topic.

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How to Submit?


  Submit your manuscript to the online submission system(link) and choose the article type of Special Issue on Occupational Health Psychology.Please click the following link to obtain more detail about submission formats and regulations.


Submission guidelines.


Ding-Yu Jiang

Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

Associate editor of special Issue

Chung-Kwei Wang 

Department of Psychology, Soochow University, Taiwan

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