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        The Chinese personality traits measured by Multidimensional Personality Inventory for Chinese Youth (MPICY) were validated in this study. To validate the dimensions of Chinese personality traits MPICY measured, two sets of etic and Western personality dimensions that were derived from different theoretical frameworks and measured by HEXACO-Personality Inventory 60 (HEXACO-60) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) examined its convergent and discriminant validities. Two groups of participants were recruited from senior high school located at the rural and urban area of Taiwan: one group of participants consisted of 851 senior high school students who filled out MPICY and HEXACO-60, the other group of participants consisted of 611 senior high school students who filled out MPICY and NEOFFI. To validate convergent and discriminant validities of MPICY, one of two foreign personality instruments (HEXACO-60 and NEO-FFI) and MPICY were correlated and analyzed in hierarchical factor analyses. We performed two correlation analyses and two kinds of hierarchical factor analyses with promax rotation. According the results of correlation analyses and factor analyses, three dimensions (extraversion, industriousness, and pessimism) of MPICY were nearly isomorphic with HEXACO and NEO-FFI extraversion, conscientiousness and HEXACO emotionality and NEO-FFI neuroticism. Although MPICY other-orientedness and HEXACO honesty-humility and MPICY and HEXACO agreeableness were highly correspondent respectively, MPICY other-orientedness and agreeableness and NEO-FFI agreeableness grouped together. Large-mindedness and competence (the dimensions of MPICY) and openness to experience (the dimension of HEXACO-60 and NEO-FFI) were separate dimensions not highly correlated with other dimensions. The meaning of Chinese personality traits and the relationships between Chinese personality traits and western personality traits were discussed.

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